Neiman Marcus
Membership Program Upgrade
Membership profiles enhancement is required for the current INCircle membership program to increase engagement with the program and strengthen brand loyalty.
Two distinct profiles are Associate and Member.
Seasonal Reward Unlock

What is it: Members unlock a choice of rewards-based seasonal spending (spend within a 3-month time frame). At the end of each season, members will be able to select from various reward options based on the spend threshold reached.

The progress bar indicates how much a member has spent in a season and how much more they need to spend to reach the next threshold. Members who spend all four seasons within the year will unlock a special reward. Members can select from a choice of 3 rewards, all increasing in value as higher spend thresholds are unlocked.

Member Portal (web page)
The hub is where members can access all their loyalty information and input personal details. Enhancement of the current accounts page that includes inspirational and engaging content. 

Member Portal Flow: Home >  My Account  > Orders  > Rewards  > Events > Inspiration
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